Returns Working Group Meeting - Enhancing Collaboration for Iraq’s Stability

The Returns Working Group Meeting, held on September 26, 2023, took place at the IOM Conference Room in Erbil, and aimed to foster collaboration among organizations and agencies working towards the safe and sustainable return of displaced individuals in Iraq.  Mr. William Warda, representing the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization (HHRO), attended the meeting and witnessed fruitful discussions and updates on key issues…

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Inside GAPs
Why GAPs?

GAPs project is a new EU-funded Horizon Europe research and innovation project bringing together 60 researchers and professionals within 17 partner organisations. At multiple sites across continents in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, our researchers with a diverse disciplinary backgrounds investigate the shortcomings of the EU’s governance of returns internally and externally; the complex interactions of policymakers and local actors involved in return processes both in the Global North and South, and the perspectives of migrants themselves in order to understand their knowledge of return policies, aspirations…

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Inside GAPs
Polish referendum on “forced relocation of illegal immigrants”: between amnesia and manipulation

On 22 of August 2023 Polish daily Rzeczpospolita has published an article by Tomasz Sieniow, fellow GAPs team member from University of Warsaw, titled „Referendum: between amnesia and manipulation”. The result of the referendum on relocation of „illegal immigrants” will not stop accepting by the European Union of the Solidarity mechanism. Paradoxically Poland is opposing a mechanism that could be a good option for any external…

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Inside GAPs
Migration Matters Screening at GAPs Kick-Off

From March 8-10, 2023, the “GAPs: Decentring the Study of Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies in Europe and Beyond” project consortium met in person at the University of Uppsala in Sweden to kick off an ambitious three year Horizon Europe research project that aims to better understand the complexities of return.…

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Inside GAPs