Decentering Return Migration Research: Are we on the same page?

The issue of terminology and definitions, and more particularly, the issue of translating terminologies and definitions across different disciplines and geopolitical settings appears to be a constant challenge in large interdisciplinary research projects that cover broad geographical areas. Our GAPs project that seeks to decentre the study of migrant returns and return migration policies is no exception…

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Jordan Compact Under the Microscope: Analyzing Impacts on Refugee Labor, EU Trade, and Returnees’ Decisions

In 2016, the Jordan Compact marked a fresh, comprehensive strategy forged between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the international community to address the Syrian refugee crisis. Jordan, shouldering a substantial burden as a host to refugees, undertakes a global public good on behalf of the international community. The repatriation of refugees hinges…

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Echoes of Hope: The Continual Pursuit of Migration Among Afghans

In the wake of forced or voluntary return, the aspirations for migration among Afghans remain steadfast, undeterred by the hurdles of the journey back home. Drawing from qualitative in-depth life history interviews conducted by Bilim in Herat, Balkh, Kabul, and Kandahar provinces of Afghanistan, I intend to reflect on a few major themes to uncover the profound desire of returnees to migrate once more.  These individuals, grappling with the harsh realities of life in Afghanistan, harbor a fervent longing for the promise of a better future elsewhere—a long…

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Distinguishing the Return of Nigerian Migrants from the EU and North Africa and Alternative Pathways to Their Return

The return of Nigerian migrants from EU countries seems to be smoother in comparison with returns from North Africa. In many cases, potential returnees are counselled pre-departure before being returned through a voluntary return program. In some cases, Nigerian partners are flown in to convince migrants with failed…

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Can an effective return policy go hand in hand with respecting migrants’ rights?

In the report on Poland’s return policy, developed as one of the deliverables of Working Package 2 under the Horizon Europe GAPs project covering the years 2015-2024, we analysed the legal, institutional, and infrastructure framework of the country’s return procedures, identifying multiple gaps that may lead to the exceptional performance of the Polish return policy.…

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Destiny Deferred for Afghans in Istanbul

‘I am without destiny.’ These are the words used by a number of Afghan migrants in Istanbul to sum up their lives to me in interviews over the past couple of years. The physical violence that many left behind at home in Afghanistan and the dangers they faced as they were being smuggled into Türkiye have been replaced by a threat less imminent but no less scary: the uncertainty at the root of their fragile existence in their new host country…

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