Posts in Poland
Can an effective return policy go hand in hand with respecting migrants’ rights?

In the report on Poland’s return policy, developed as one of the deliverables of Working Package 2 under the Horizon Europe GAPs project covering the years 2015-2024, we analysed the legal, institutional, and infrastructure framework of the country’s return procedures, identifying multiple gaps that may lead to the exceptional performance of the Polish return policy.…

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Immigration to Poland as part of the political game

Issues related to immigration and integration of foreigners in Poland for years have not been the subject of much public debate. Until the election campaign of the second half of 2015, the topic was dealt with by a narrow circle of experts and academics, and the media and policymakers were basically uninterested in these issues…

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PolandInside GAPsUW
GAPs Kick-off Meeting

GAPs had its official kick-off meeting on 8-9 March 2023 with a public panel event on 10 March 2023, the agenda of which can be viewed here. The majority of the team members, members of our advisory board and our ethics…

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PRESS RELEASE : A New Horizon Europe Project on Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies

GAPs is a new Horizon Europe project, awarded a grant from the EC to conduct a comprehensive multidisciplinary study on the drivers of return policies and barriers and enablers in international cooperation on returns.

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