Country Dossier Iraq - Return migration governance in the African and Middle Eastern regions and the role of the EU
Mohammed Kazem Al-Maeeni, William Khamo Warda, Pascale Warda, Khalid Abdul Ghaffar Al Bayati | Hammurabi Human Rights Organization (HHRO)
Executive Summary:
This report examines a specific instance of South-to-South migration: the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland, Syria – after the relative stability in the country and the cessation of military operations and conflicts. By focusing on the dynamics of return, the conditions both in sending and receiving countries, as well as opportunities and challenges associated with return and reintegration, this study aims to contribute to a broader understanding of the complex dynamics of return migration in the Global South. The report also reveals the extent of consistency in policies, programs and practices at the various local, regional and international levels in both Iraq and Syria, and the extent of their adaptation and compatibility with the constitution in the two countries, as well as with the rules of international law regarding the conditions for providing the necessary protection and respecting human rights standards.
The report reviews the situation of Syrians in Iraq, the reasons and motives that led to their asylum in Iraq, their social, economic and political circumstances, as well as the challenges they face regarding their arrival, reception and livelihoods. It further sheds light on the characteristics of the management of return migration from Iraq to Syria, its nature and type, the main actors involved, the policies and practices followed, the coordination between different levels, the extent of these policies’ response to the country’s social and political needs, along with the level of their integration or intersection with each other. The report therefore explores the governance of return migration at local and national/federal levels, and aims to understand the influence of European Union (EU) policies in shaping policy outcomes. Furthermore, based on field meetings and interviews the report presents perceptions and experiences of different actors involved in return operations, experts, policymakers and policy implementers, as well as representatives of national and international organizations, and beneficiaries concerning return migration. It also analyzes the governmental response level in the two countries, Iraq and Syria, to return migration at the level of strategies, plans, programs, policies and practices. The report further identifies several key obstacles and challenges, providing policy recommendations for the development of a return policy which ensures a dignified, safe, regular and orderly return.
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