Posts in Germany
Mind the Gap

“It’s like a scary movie.” That’s how Pierre Sanga from Cameroon describes his experience in Tunisia amidst an upsurge in anti-migrant sentiment. Mr. Sanga’s predicament was highlighted in a recent television report by DW…

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GAPs Kick-off Meeting

GAPs had its official kick-off meeting on 8-9 March 2023 with a public panel event on 10 March 2023, the agenda of which can be viewed here. The majority of the team members, members of our advisory board and our ethics…

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PRESS RELEASE : A New Horizon Europe Project on Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies

GAPs is a new Horizon Europe project, awarded a grant from the EC to conduct a comprehensive multidisciplinary study on the drivers of return policies and barriers and enablers in international cooperation on returns.

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