Fieldwork/interview workshop of GAPs WP4 team on February 13, 2024, by Radboud University

On February 13, 2024, coordinators of GAPs’ Work Package 4 (at Radboud University) on ‘return migration governance in the African and Middle Eastern regions and the role of the EU’ organized an online internal fieldwork workshop, addressing sampling strategies, tailoring of interview protocols and practicalities of coding and analysis. Representatives of the project’s country teams from Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Türkiye, and Morocco shared best practices and challenges regarding their ongoing empirical research into the ways in which the characteristics, driving forces and consequences of the governance of return migration to Syria and Nigeria are affected by the EU’s external migration policy. The following specific issues were explored jointly: ways to navigate access to relevant interlocutors as well as strategies to encourage interviewees to open up beyond publicly available talking points.

Inside GAPs