Jordan's Governance of Syrian Refugee Returns: Policies and Challenges - WP4 Country Dossier
Rasha Istaiteyeh, Marah Al Malalha, Rola Jaber | Hashemite University
Executive Summary:
The dossier provides a detailed analysis of the factors influencing Syrian refugee returns from Jordan to Syria. While several areas of Syria, such as Damascus, Homs, and Southern Syria, have seen improvements in security, other regions continue to experience instability. There are some barriers to return: like the sustained security hazards, destroyed infrastructure, dearth of job opportunities, and persecution risk in Syria developed as formidable deterrents against returning by the refugees. Most of them have been detained, extorted, or their property is confiscated upon return. This contributes to the complex decisions made by refugees regarding their return.
Many refugees in Jordan face high living costs, limited job opportunities, and competition for resources, leading to a desire to return home. Despite efforts to issue working permits, many live below poverty, with low wages and job insecurity. Jordan bears a significant resource strain, with job, educational, and public service competition causing tensions in social relationships. Reduced international aid has further increased difficulties for Syrian refugees.
Jordan is implementing return governance and return policies in collaboration with international organizations like the UNHCR. According to all international and local experts interviewed, the scale of return of Syrian refugees from Jordan to Syria remains modest, primarily occurring at an individual level rather than collective or group returns. Jordan's initiatives are about making return safer and providing essential services to help refugees reintegrate into their home country, with the hope of reducing refugee numbers in Jordan and helping Syria's recovery after the war. While Jordan officially presents the return of Syrian refugees as a voluntary process, the reality for many refugees is far more complex. Indirect coercion, in the form of economic hardships, legal restrictions, and subtle pressures from both the government and international partners, may
make "spontaneous returns" seem like the only option for many Syrians. Jordan’s approach has been more passive, offering options like visitor permits, limited reintegration support, and assistance for temporary returns, but these policies haven’t created strong incentives to lead to large-scale return. While Jordan’s governance of refugee return has involved navigating complex diplomatic and security considerations, it remains heavily dependent on the willingness of donors to fund the stabilization of Syria and create conditions for return. Similarly, Jordan’s role as a regional actor in coordinating refugee return has been a balancing act, managing the diverse interests of Syria, neighboring host countries, and international donors.
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