Focus Group Discussion with Returnees Organized by the GAPs Project Team at the University of Nigeria
Group photo of GAPs researchers and participants of the focus group discussion which took place at PCI shelter in Lagos
A focus group discussion, lasting around 90 minutes, was held with ten Nigerians, who had returned to their country within the last ten years, including five males and five females, aged between 25 and 40. They were held at the Patriotic Citizens’ Initiative (PCI) shelter, which is a transit camp for returnees in Lagos, before they travel to their families in other parts of Nigeria. The participants discussed the social, economic, and psychosocial challenges encountered in terms of their reintegration and the return migration infrastructure involved. They also discussed issues surrounding consent and voluntariness of their return which will be featured in our upcoming blog post later this month.
Click here to view excerpts from the discussion
Returnees discuss the challenges of their reintegration in Nigeria
Some returnee children at the PCI shelter