Bridging the Gap: EU Return Policies Under the Spotlight at European Parliament Roundtable
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On September 24, 2024, the European Parliament hosted a high-level roundtable that addressed the widening gap between return migration policies and their practical implementation. The event, titled “Returns: Gaps Between Policies and Practice,” organized by the EU-funded GAPs project, fostered crucial debates on the future of return migration in Europe.
Participants from academia and policy sectors, including European Parliament member Tineke Strik and GAPs coordinator Zeynep Sahin-Mencütek, presented compelling evidence on how the EU's return policies remain fragmented and fail to deliver the anticipated results. With insightful contributions from GAPs researchers Rebecca Thorburn Stern (Uppsala University), Ela Gökalp-Aras (Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul), and Terry Martin (Science-Policy Interface Agency), the discussions underscored the significant inconsistencies in return processes and practices. Key concerns included inadequate monitoring of returns, challenges in implementing procedural safeguards, and gaps in protection mechanisms.
Additional contributions from migration experts like Michel LeVoy (PICUM) and Florian Trauner (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) highlighted the interconnected challenges of return data collection, the mismatch between policy presentations and expectations, and the need to harmonize return legislation with other policy areas. EU Return Coordinator Mari Juritsch emphasized their commitment to addressing issues around coordination and data reliability. Without improved data, clearer legal frameworks, and stronger cooperation, the gap between policy and practice could widen, potentially increasing irregular migration and undermining the EU's overall migration strategy.
As GAPs researchers continue to push for more effective, humane, and coordinated return policies, they are also exploring alternative approaches to address these pressing issues.
You can watch more here.